The One Where It All Begins.

When I came back, the first thing I did was re-arrange my favourite book shelf – I have been home for exactly seventeen days and I don’t find it weird that I am *still* living out of a suitcase.

Right now, I’m surrounded by seven books and my Kindle.

Every morning (afternoon, actually) starts with the same thought, “What book should I read today?”Weekends-001

I leave books in the bathroom, as a (bad) habit. I’ve missed reading in the bathroom for five years in law school. My bowels are perfect when I have something to read while I do the deed!

The Mater has paid an online library to deliver books home (and pick them up when I’m done reading! Whoa!) because she dreads the next three and a half months as much I do.

If the Pater moves a book off the shelf, I notice almost immediately.
The Boy threatens to break up if I don’t read his favourite books (Torture, I say!).

The Brother doesn’t read at all. I secretly want to disown him.

If I have kids and they don’t read, I am going to defenestrate them.


I have a lot of free time and I am reading like a woman possessed. 🙂

So it begins.

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